Expert Procurement Training College

Training & Programs

Explore 30+ Training Courses for Individuals & Organisations

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Enroll at Expert Procurement Training College Today!

At Expert Procurement Training College, we recognize the critical role of enhancing procurement skills in today’s dynamic market. Our diverse array of training programs is crafted to arm professionals with the expertise required to navigate and thrive in the complex procurement environment.

Led by industry experts, our courses are designed to transform procurement practices for individuals and organizations, fostering strategic growth and lasting success. Serving ambitious professionals across Papua New Guinea, we are committed to delivering impactful training solutions. Join us and propel your procurement career forward.

5-Day short Courses

3-month Level 4 Certificate Courses

1-year (12 Months) Diploma Courses

5-day short courses

Available on classroom training, evening class & online study.

1-Year (12 Months) Diploma courses

Available on classroom training, evening class & online study.